Pest Libary

Ticks & Fleas Facts and Information

Ticks and fleas are blood-feeding parasites that pose health risks to humans and pets in Southern California. These persistent pests transmit diseases, cause allergic reactions, and infest homes.

Ticks & Fleas

What are Ticks & Fleas?

Ticks and fleas are blood-feeding parasites that pose significant health risks to humans and pets in Southern California. These persistent pests can transmit diseases, cause allergic reactions, and create widespread infestations in homes and yards.

Ticks and fleas survive year-round in Southern California's moderate climate, with peak activity during warmer months. While fleas primarily move via jumping and hitchhiking on hosts, ticks employ a "questing" behavior, waiting on vegetation to attach to passing hosts. Both species demonstrate remarkable resilience, with fleas capable of surviving months without feeding and ticks able to go even longer. Their presence can lead to significant health issues, including Lyme disease from ticks and typhus from fleas, making prompt identification and control essential for both human and pet health.

Anatomy of Ticks & Fleas

These parasitic pests have specialized anatomical features adapted for blood feeding and host attachment.

  1. Antennae
  2. Eyes
  3. Thorax
  4. Abdomen
  5. Wings
  6. Legs

How to Identify Ticks & Fleas

Ticks appear as small, flat, oval-shaped arachnids before feeding, becoming engorged and rounded after blood meals. Fleas are reddish-brown, wingless insects with powerful back legs for jumping. Both are visible to the naked eye but small enough to require close inspection.

Habitat of Ticks & Fleas

These pests thrive in warm, humid environments. Ticks prefer tall grass, brush, and wooded areas, while fleas commonly inhabit carpet, pet bedding, and shaded outdoor areas. Both species can be found anywhere their hosts frequent.

Warning Signs of Ticks & Fleas

Key indicators include pets scratching excessively, small dark insects jumping near floor level, and tiny black droppings in pet fur or bedding. For ticks, check pets and humans after outdoor activities for attached parasites.

Warning Signs of Ticks & Fleas

Key indicators include pets scratching excessively, small dark insects jumping near floor level, and tiny black droppings in pet fur or bedding. For ticks, check pets and humans after outdoor activities for attached parasites.

Termite Droppings
Termite Queen
Drywood vs Subterranean Termite
Subterranean Termite Mud Tubes
Drywood Termite Swarmer
Subterranean Termite Swarmer

Control Methods for Ticks & Fleas

Effective control combines regular pet treatment, environmental management, and professional pest control services. Focus on treating both indoor and outdoor spaces, maintaining yard hygiene, and implementing preventive measures year-round.

Common Questions about Ticks & Fleas

What are Ticks and Fleas?

Ticks and fleas are parasitic pests that feed on the blood of their hosts. The preferred hosts depend on the flea and tick species, but most in our area will bite and feed on people and pets. Ticks are not technically insects; they are arachnids, more closely related to spiders. They have eight legs and are quite small before they feed. After the tick bites and feeds, it will become engorged. Specific sizes and colors vary depending on the species. Fleas are insects that range in size from 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch. While incredibly small, it is usually possible for people to see them. Fleas are dark brown to reddish-brown and have a flat shape. A flea's preferred host is typically the family pet, but once in your home, you will also find flea bites on humans.

Are Ticks and Fleas dangerous?

Ticks and fleas endanger our family's health and the health of our pets. Both of these pests can transfer a variety of dangerous diseases. When we find ticks on humans or pets, removing them quickly and correctly is important. Ticks can spread diseases such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tick paralysis, and Lyme disease to people. Our dogs are susceptible to canine ehrlichiosis and canine babesia. Fleas bites can transmit things such as murine typhus, tularemia, and tapeworm to people, to name a few. Fleas on our pets can cause anemia and tapeworms. With a flea allergy, the constant scratching at the itchy bites can leave people and pets in danger of secondary infections.

Why do I have a Tick and Flea problem?

Here in California, we love to spend time outdoors walking, hiking, and enjoying the weather. Unfortunately, it is easy for ticks and fleas to join us, and they will stay on for the ride. Fleas are powerful jumpers who sometimes hitchhike their way into our homes on our clothes. Ticks do not jump or fly, but they will free-fall onto us or grab on as we walk by. For pet owners, tick and flea control are especially important. When we take our four-legged friends outdoors, they can easily pick up ticks and fleas in wooded or overgrown areas.

Where will I find Ticks and Fleas?

Outside you can find fleas and ticks anywhere warm-blood animals go. Woodpiles, weeds, and debris in your yard will attract rodents and the ticks that feed on them. Taking a pet outdoors without preventative tick control increases the likelihood of picking up ticks. Fleas are also easy to pick up in our travels. Fleas can be transferred from one animal to another while walking pets or at a dog park. Fleas will also attach to our socks, pants, and shoes to hitchhike their way into our homes. Because they breed rapidly, you will likely soon have a flea infestation in your home.

How do I get rid of Ticks and Fleas?

Ticks and fleas are difficult pests to eradicate when an infestation occurs. Whether the problem is indoors or outside, the best way to get rid of fleas and ticks is to work with a company like The Termite Guy. Our 25 years of experience help us to eliminate ticks and fleas from your home and yard so you can regain your peace of mind and protect your family and pets from dangerous diseases.

How can I prevent Ticks and Fleas in the future?

Prevention can go a long way toward keeping your family and pets safe from ticks, fleas, and the diseases they transmit. Here are some tips to help prevent these dangerous pests: Frequent vacuuming can help to interrupt the flea life cycle by eliminating eggs hidden in carpeting, floors, and pet bedding. Keep your grass cut short and the yard well maintained, limiting debris piles and overgrowth. Ask your veterinarian for advice on what to use for flea and tick protection for your pets. Check for ticks on yourself and your pets when returning home from a walk. Unfortunately, preventing ticks around Orange, Los Angeles, and Ventura Counties is difficult. When prevention fails, The Termite Guy team is here to help. The Termite Guy is here to help with tick and flea control for your house and yard. Preventative measures will ensure the health and well-being of your family and pets.

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Eliminate Termites and Pests For Good

Protecting your home from pests shouldn't be complicated. The Termite Guy makes it simple with wholistic solutions to inspect, treat, and restore your home back to perfection. With a 5 year pest-free warranty and over 25 years of success, we ensure every home is safe and secure.

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