Drugstore beetles are tiny pests infesting stored products and dry goods. Known for boring through packaging and contaminating foods, spices, and pharmaceutical items.

Drugstore beetles are persistent stored product pests found throughout Southern California, particularly in pantries and food storage areas. These small, reddish-brown beetles earned their name from their habit of infesting pharmaceutical products, though they're equally likely to be found in pantries and food storage areas.
These resilient pests can infest a wide range of dried goods, from stored foods to books and leather products. Their ability to bore through packaging materials makes them particularly problematic in food storage settings. Female beetles can lay up to 75 eggs per generation, and with multiple generations possible per year in heated environments, infestations can quickly escalate. Their small size and ability to infest such a wide range of materials makes them a significant pest in both residential and commercial settings, particularly in areas where dried goods are stored for extended periods.

Anatomy of Drugstore Beetles
These small beetles have distinct physical features that help in their identification.
- Head
- Antennae
- Thorax
- Elytra
- Legs
- Wings

How to Identify Drugstore Beetles
Drugstore beetles are small (1/10 to 1/7 inch), reddish-brown to brown, with a cylindrical body shape. They have distinctive rows of pits on their wing covers and three-segmented antennal clubs.

Habitat of Drugstore Beetles
These beetles infest a wide variety of stored products, particularly in pantries, food storage areas, and spice cabinets. They can also be found in pharmaceutical products, books, and leather goods.

Warning Signs of Drugstore Beetles
Look for small exit holes in food packages, adults near windows, and infested products. Watch for flying adults, damaged packaging, and powder near products.
Warning Signs of Drugstore Beetles
Look for small exit holes in food packages, adults near windows, and infested products. Watch for flying adults, damaged packaging, and powder near products.

Control Methods for Drugstore Beetles
Treatment involves both chemical and non-chemical approaches, including proper storage practices, thorough cleaning, and targeted insecticide applications. Prevention focuses on proper food storage, regular package inspection, and maintaining climate control.
Drugstore beetles infest a wide variety of stored products including grains, spices, drugs, books, and leather. They can bore through packaging materials.
These beetles can fly and spread through infested products. Adults can bore through packaging to lay eggs in new food sources.
Adult drugstore beetles live 2-4 weeks, but larvae can develop for 4-5 months in food sources.
Yes, these beetles can chew through paper, cardboard, foil, and plastic packaging to reach food sources.
Freezing infested items at 0�F for a week or heating to 120�F for several hours can kill all life stages.
Inspect packages before purchase, store food in sealed containers, and maintain proper storage temperatures and humidity.

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