Carpet beetles are small fabric-destroying pests affecting natural fibers. Adults feed on pollen while larvae damage carpets, woolens, and other organic materials in homes.

Carpet beetles are common household pests in Southern California homes, known for their ability to damage natural fibers and textiles. While adult beetles feed on pollen and are often found near windows, it's their larvae that cause the most damage, feeding on materials containing keratin and other animal proteins.
These persistent pests can infest homes year-round, with peak breeding activity in spring. The adults can fly and enter homes through open windows or doors, laying eggs near potential food sources. Their larvae can spend several months feeding on carpets, wool, silk, leather, and other natural materials, making them particularly problematic in closets and storage areas. Their small size and ability to thrive in undisturbed areas often allows infestations to go unnoticed until significant damage has occurred. The varied patterns of white, brown, and yellow on adult beetles, combined with their oval shape, make them distinctive when spotted.

Anatomy of Carpet Beetles
Carpet beetles have specific physical characteristics that distinguish them from other household pests.
- Head
- Antennae
- Thorax
- Elytra
- Legs
- Wings

How to Identify Carpet Beetles
Adult carpet beetles are small (1/16 to 1/8 inch) with varied patterns of white, brown, and yellow. They have an oval shape and club-tipped antennae. Larvae are brown and hairy with distinctive tail bristles.

Habitat of Carpet Beetles
These beetles prefer dark, undisturbed areas where natural fibers are present. They're commonly found in closets, carpeting, upholstered furniture, and around stored woolens. They can also infest museum specimens and dried food products.

Warning Signs of Carpet Beetles
Key indicators include cast larval skins, irregular holes in fabrics, and adult beetles near windows. Look for shed larval casings and small holes appearing in natural fiber materials.
Warning Signs of Carpet Beetles
Key indicators include cast larval skins, irregular holes in fabrics, and adult beetles near windows. Look for shed larval casings and small holes appearing in natural fiber materials.

Control Methods for Carpet Beetles
Control methods include regular vacuuming, proper storage of susceptible materials, and targeted insecticide treatments. Prevention focuses on regular inspection of vulnerable items and proper storage using cedar products or protective bags.
Carpet beetles damage wool, silk, fur, feathers, leather, and other natural fibers. They can also infest dried food products.
Carpet beetles can fly and often enter through windows or doors. They're also brought in on infested items or flowers.
Adult carpet beetles live 2-6 weeks, but larvae can feed and develop for several months to a year.
Females lay eggs directly on or near suitable food sources, often in dark, undisturbed areas like closets or storage spaces.
Carpet beetles don't bite, but their bristly larvae can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions in some people.
Store clean items in sealed containers, use cedar products, and regularly inspect and clean storage areas.

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